




La Salle Study Centre Changjiao

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August 2024
March 2024
August 2023
November 2020
September 2019
July 2019
April 2019
September 2018
September 2017
June 2017
December 2016
September 2016
June 2016 
March 2016 
December 2015
September 2015   
June 2015   
March 2015   
December 2014  
September 2014 
July 2014 
March 2014
December 2013
September 2013
June 2013
March 2013
November 2012
July 2012  
March 2012
December 2011
September 2011
June 2011
March 2011
December 2010
September  2010
June 2010
March 2010
December 2009 
August 2009
June 2009 
March 2009
December 2008
September 2008
June 2008
March 2008
December 2007
August 2007
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March 2007
August 2006
June 2006
March 2006
December 2005
September 2005
June 2005
March 2005
September 2004
June 2004
March 2004
September 2003
June 2003
April 2003
January 2003
September 2002
June 2002
April 2002
December 2001

Picture Gallery

2016-1 Spring
2015-4 Autumn
2015-3 Summer
2015-2 Children's Day 
2015-1 Winter
2014-3 Summer
2014-2 Pre-Summer
2014-1 in Dabu and Meixian
2013-2 Summer
2013-1 March
2012-3 November
2012-2 July  
2012-1 March
2011-4 December
2011-3 Summer
2011-2 June
2011-1 March
2010-4 December
2010-3 Summer
2010-2 Visit-LEC-HK
2010-1 March
2009-3 August
2009-2 June
2009-1 March
2008-4 Dabu Award
2008-3 Summer
2008-2 Visitors & Children's Day
2008-1 Br. Visitor
2007-2 Summer
2007-1 Chinese NY
2006-4 Summer
2006-3 Rebuilding
2006-2 Visitors
2006-1 Chinese NY
2005-2 Summer
2005-1 Baile Road
2004-6 Visitors
2004-5 Summer
2004-4 Lesson in School
2004-3 Lesson in LSSC
2004-2 Opening Road
2004-1 Move to LSSC
2003-2 Summer
2003-1 Building LSSC
2002-4 Story in Brief
2002-3 Relative
2002-2 Summer
2002-1 Arrival in CJ


2014 Summer Classes -Reflections
2014 Summer Classes - What they say Snip-bits
An unusual and wonderful experience in Baijiang - Su Sheng 
这是我们生命里一段不寻常的奇妙旅程 - 苏胜
Sharing of Margaret Kam/Billy Oo and family - summer 2012
Sharing of Marc K.C. Wan and Leong Lee Voon - Summer 2012  
Some Thoughts and Reflections 2011
大埔论坛 大埔论坛
Visit of HKLEC 2010
Some Thoughts and Reflections 2010
Brothers’ visit – March 2010
Some Thoughts and Reflections 2009
各班同学在LaSalle长教学英语之感想 (2009)
LaSalle长教学英语之感想 (廖泰涛-2008)
各班同学在LaSalle长教学英语之感想 (2008)
Some Thoughts and Reflections 2008
About BDLiao by
Liao Wenna - 2003

Onlinejx  commentary on CCTV A Wise Teacger in Our Midst
Revisit 2013 Most Beautiful Teacher
2013 Most Beautiful Village Teacher
Award Ceremony, Beijing
Maizhou Daily - Interviewing Br. David  
Guangming Daily Featuring Br,David : Arouses Strong Public Response   
Guangming Daily - Featuring  Br. David
Summer 2013 News Video Clip
Special Report on Summer 2013 Course
The Story of David Liao - Silent Love
Outstanding Contributor to the Development of Guangdong 2012
CNTV DOcumentary Series:
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Br. David Liao on CCTV by Nanfang Daily
Br.David on CCTV - by Meizhou Daily
TVS Video Documentary on BD
Now I know my A-B-C    
MySinChew - The Teacher    
Phoenix TV Documentary on BD  
DabuNet Special Edition on BD    
Good Countryfolk  
2012-04-05 NanFang Daily  
Background to China’s Lei Feng Day
2012-02-04 NanFang Daily
2011 The Grand Charity Ceremony
Guangdong Oversea Chinese Affairs Deputy Director's Visit 
Dabu Political Secretary's Visit
2011.2.19 南方日报
The Gateway     
Hong Kong LaSallian Family Bulletin May 2010     Twenty-Third issue
eLassallian - LSSC - Epitome
of dedication and hardwork     
转载长声 (2008)
2008.8.7 梅州日报首页要闻
2008.8.5 广东羊城晚报新闻
2008.7.15 大埔教育信息网
About BDLiao by Political Secretary of Changjiao (2004)
转载长声 (2004)

LaSalle China ..... an adventure begun,

supported and sustained by

a spirit of Faith,

a culture of Service,

a sense of Community .....

the Lasallian Way.


To the glory of God

in the service of youth

for the development of people and nation.



I wish to put on record my grateful thanks to many LaSallians who accompany me on this great adventure. I will not mention anyone by name but I am sure you know I have you personally in mind.

I thank the LaSalle Brothers who commissioned me to undertake this task.

I thank all individual LaSallians and LaSallian OBAs who support me financially:

  • my own former students of SFI Melaka, SAS T.Intan, La Salle P.Jaya, SAS Muar and La Salle Klang.
  • LaSallians I was honoured to be acquainted with from 1991 to 2000.

I thank the administrators, teachers and staff of:

  • St. Joseph's Institution, Singapore.
  • La Salle College and La Salle Primary School, Kowloon.
  • St. Joseph's College and St. Joseph's Primary School, Hongkong.

I thank all relatives and personal friends who constantly keep in contact with me.

I thank God that I am given this mission that is transforming my life.

As always with love in the service of youth and nation in DLS,

David Liao FSC.o

1/1/01 - Added new photos to Vacation Album page.


        Latest Addition
     August 2024

August 2024 Newsletter
March 2024 Newsletter
Moral Model 微光道德模范风采 18-10-2023
August 2023 Newsletter   
November 2020 Newsletter
Dabu Secretary Visit to LSSC 25-9-2019
September 2019 Newsletter
QQ News of Dabu Secretary Visit to LSSC 25-9-2019
April 2019 Newsletter
November 2018 Newsletter
La Salle.Org - China – Brother David Liao 
“The Most Beautiful Rural Teacher”

September 2017 Newsletter
HKSTV-China Positive Energy Series 中国正能量-马拉西亚华侨-廖乐年
June 2017 Newsletter
March 2017 Newsletter
20160620 China Good People Series 中国好人
RTHK-TV March 2016 documentary with English Sub-titles 
December 2016 Newsletter
Summer Programme 2016
Our story in photographs-Part 2
Summer Programme 2016
Our story in photographs-Part 1
September 2016 Newsletter
June 2016 Newsletter
Photographs - Spring 2016
March 2016 Newsletter
Photographs - Autumn 2015
December 2015 Newsletter
Photographs - 2015 Summer Programme
September 2015 Newsletter
June 2015 Newsletter
Photographs - Children's Day 2015 
March 2015 Newsletter 
Photographs - 2015 Winter
2015 Feb 11 Dabu TV Video Clip
December 2014 Newsletter 
2014 CCTV Documentary - A Wise Teacher in our midst 我眼中的乡贤
Onlinejx commentary on CCTV Documentary 有去有来舍得分享:的乡贤大爱流淌乡间
Photographs - 2014 Summer Programme
September 2014 Newsletter 
Summer 2014 Video Clip
2014 CCTV9 下南洋Xia Nanyang - Ep 8
2013 Outstanding Rural Village Teacher Award Ceremony Beijing
July 2014 Newsletter 
Revisit 2013 Outstanding Rural Village Teacher
Photographs - 2014 Pre-Summer
Photographs - Spring 2014 in Dabu and Meixian
March 2014 Newsletter 
December 2013 Newsletter 
Photographs - 2013 Summer Reading Programme
September 2013 Newsletter
2013 Outstanding Rural Village eacher
Award  Ceremony, Beijing.

Maizhou Daily - Interviewing Br. David on the Outstanding Rural Village Teacher Award Ceremony Beijing 
梅州日报-在教师节当天登上央视颁奖台收到节日最好礼物 -廖乐年获评最美乡村教师

Guangming Daily - Featuring  Br. David 
Arouses Strong Response from the Public     

Guangming Daily - Featuring 
Br. David 

Summer 2013 English Reading Programme Meizhou TV News Clip   视频: 【梅州新闻联播】执着的植梦人——彩虹队党员代表走近“中国最美乡村教师”廖乐年
Special Report on Summer 2013 Course
The Story of David Liao - Silent Love
June 2013 Newsletter   

美丽南粤广东年度贡献人物廖乐年事迹介绍Outstanding Contributor to the Development of of Guangdong 2012

CCTV13走基层:寻找最美乡村教师 廖乐年:
寻根故里 义教十年
CCTV13 Going Back to Grassroot Series: Searching for most beautiful village teacher: David Liao Lenian: Searching for ancestor's roots, 10 years of voluntary teaching service 
Episode 1:
Episode 2: http://news.cntv.cn/2013/06/20/VIDE1371686401829861.shtml
Episode 3: http://news.cntv.cn/2013/06/21/VIDE1371775443107176.shtml
Episode 4: http://news.cntv.cn/2013/06/22/VIDE1371900001654485.shtml

Br. David Liao on CCTV

廖乐年上了央视新闻联播 引发观众热议
Br.David on CCTV - Searching for the most beautiful village teacher started a hot topic for discussion

Photographs - 2013 Winter Reading Programme and the Year of the Snake
March 2013 Newsletter  
《中国新闻》 新闻特写: 
China News:   Special Report : Br. David Liao
Photographs - 2012 Summer English Reading Programme
Photograph - Visitors - Presentations - Interviews - Filming  
November 2012 Newsletter 
July 2012 Newsletter  
An unusual and wonderful experience in Baijiang - Su Sheng - Hunan, China
这是我们生命里一段不寻常的奇妙旅程 - 苏胜
Sharing of Margaret Kam/Billy Oo and family -  Summer 2012   
Sharing of Marc K.C.Wan and Leong Lee Voon - Summer 2012  

慈善人物廖乐年   蒋长安 广东南方电视台总编室
TVS Video  Documentary on BD   

Now I know my A-B-C
Xu Jingxi (China Daily)

2012-06-09 The Teacher - Translated from Nanfang Daily
Phoenix TV Documentary on BD
凤凰视屏:2012-06-12印象岭南 祠堂里的英语老师  
DabuNet Special Edition on Br. David
Good Countryfolk 山乡好人廖乐年-南方日报

March 2012 Newsletter

Photographs of activities at LSSC Jan - Mar 2012

BD is honored nationwide with the title “Yang Lei Feng”  

Background to China’s Lei Feng Day 

2012-02-04 NanFang Daily 今日广东--大马归侨山村义教十年
2011 The Grand Charity Ceremony Video Clip
2011 The Grand Charity Ceremony 南方。华人慈善盛典 photographs
December 2011 Newsletter
  Meizhou TV documentary on LSSC


All good things must come to an end...
...so that better things may begin!!!
Fraser's Hill -1976 - BDLiao